Sunday, December 30, 2012

USAU Membership

Alright players, its time to start getting your USA Ultimate memberships, get up to date for you older players, and get your first if you are a new player. This is a requirement of a couple different spring tournaments including VA States and Southerns, it also saves you money on Winter League which you should all hopefully be signed up for by now.

For all the returning players you can go to this link, login, and renew your account and complete the online waiver.

For all the new players you can go to this link, and click Join Online, next you will create a login and complete the signup process and online waiver.

Friday, December 28, 2012

HS Southerns

The location for this years HS Southerns has been set. The tournament will be held on May 11-12, 2013 at Ramblewood Soccer Complex in Charlotte, NC. Full announcement in the link.

Friday, December 14, 2012

1 Day Tournament Cancelled

Sorry to do this but the 1 day tournament for this Sunday has been cancelled. LC Bird has backed out on us and since they were hosting that ends the whole thing. Sorry for the last minute notice and the not so fun end to the fall season.

Everyone get signed up for winter league if you can, its a great chance to play and get better, we will see everyone back to practice in the spring probably around mid February.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winter League Registration

Tidewater Ultimate Winter League Registration is up. All your questions can be answered here:

Give and Go

Another great video from Rise Up, this one on Give and Go moves from the handler position. Everyone take a few minutes to watch this and learn a little something.

Monday, December 10, 2012

1 day tournament - Sunday, 12-16-12

We will be attending a 1 day tournament this coming Sunday, 12-16-12 in Chesterfield, VA. We apologize for the delay in getting information online, it has been a little slow coming in though. We have had it listed on the calendar for a little while now though.

The tournament will be held at Harry G. Daniel Park, 6600 White Pine Rd., North Chesterfield, VA 23237

Games will last from approximately 9am-4pm, we are expecting to have 3 or 4 games.

We will be bringing all JV players that are able to attend and supplementing with a few Varsity players to make sure we have a solid number. We have a 15 passenger van lined up and would like to have a couple parents to help drive as needed.

We will meet at Woodside at 6:30am and leave at 6:45am that should get us to the fields by 8-8:15am to allow us time to warm up.

Players will need to bring the usual stuff, white and dark jersey/shirt, cleats, other proper attire, water, snacks. They will also need $5-10 for a dinner stop on the way home.

Parents if you could please take a minute to write your child a note along the lines of:

I ... (parents name) understand that my child ... (childs name) will be in the care of Coach Richard Rudnicki on Sunday December 16, 2012 for an Ultimate Frisbee tournament. In the event of an emergency I authorize Coach Rudnicki to do what he believes is in the best interest of my child. I can be contacted at ... (phone number) should an emergency arise.
Print Name:
Sign Name:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday Practice

Wednesday 12-5-12:
Run, Plyos
30-30's - 2 drills, mix varsity/jv/girls - go for 20 consecutive flick, backhand, and both s-cuts
Circle Stretch
Mini - field = 10yd endzones 50yds between, make 4 teams play 2 games at once to 5, after first game winners play and losers play
Breakmark Drill
10x40's - 40yd sprint, jog back, 10 reps

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tidewater Tuneup Stats

Stats from this weekends Tidewater Tuneup. Our biggest problem was we averaged almost 1 turnover per point this weekend. We can't give teams that many opportunities and expect to be as competitive as desired. Looking further in our 3 losses we had 60 turnovers in 50 points or 1.2 turnovers per point, in our 4 wins we had 50 turnovers in 64 points or .78 turnovers per point. The better we are at maintaining possession the more chance we have of wining. 

Tidewater Tuneup Wrapup

Congratulations to the winners of this years Tidewater Tuneup, Pennsbury on the guys side and Durga on the girls side. It was a great tournament and excellent weather, we hope everybody had a great time.

Congratulations to the follwoing folks who made the All Tournament Team and received a jersey courtesy of Breakmark.

Clara - Durga
Dominica - Durga
Angelica - LC Bird
Haley - Woodside
Kristine - Pine Richland
Allison - HB Woodlawn
Sarah - Yorktown

Kevin - CHUF
Zack - HB Woodlawn - X
Adam - HB Woodlawn - Y
Sam - Pine Richland
"Trucks" - Hampton
Akram - HB Woodlawn - Y
Chase - Woodside

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Woodside Player/Parent Info for Tidewater Tuneup

Games start at 8:45 we need everyone present by 7:15 to help with setup and to provide plenty of warmup time. If you can not be there either day or will miss a portion of the various days please let your coach (Richard, Chappell, Jason) know in advance so they can plan accordingly.

Parents as with all our tournaments we need your help in running the tournament. There will be a variety of tasks throughout both days where your help is needed. In particular from 7:15-9 on Saturday and Sunday when we are setting up, 2-5 on Saturday during dinner and cleanup, and 1:30-3:30 on Sunday during cleanup. The times in between on both days we still need help, just not as much. There will be ample time to watch your child play, the more volunteers we have the more time everyone gets to spend watching.

You can see the complete schedules for guys and girls a couple posts down.

Practice 11-28 & 29

Wednesday 11-28-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Circle Stretch
Triangle of Death, 2 sets if needed
Zone Scrimmage
3 - 70yd sprints

Thursday 11-29-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Short 4 line drill - Run using 3 lines instead of the normal 4, Everyone throws, Cutters 3 times through for each thrower
Circle Stretch
Triangle Mark Drill - 7 marks then rotate, No Hands (focus on not getting feet to wide and staying on toes), Low hands (no high releases from throwers), Aggressive (call fouls but play through), Put them together - Everyone should be running from mark to mark
Scrimmage to End

Monday, November 26, 2012

The schedules for this weekends Tidewater Tuneup are up.

The Guys Schedule is basically the same as before except we don't have to work around soccer and can start all games simultaneously. Everyone will get at least 6 games with most getting 7+.

Open Schedule

The Girls Schedule has a nice 6 team format which will result in 6-7 games for everyone.

Girls Schedule

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Practice 11-15 & 11-19

Thursday 11-15-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Short 4 line drill - twice through each thrower, everyone throws
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score
Scrimmage to 3
10x40's, 40yd sprint, jog back, 10 reps

Monday 11-19-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Kill Drill - 4 times through
Circle Stretch
Dump Swing Drill
Triangle of Death - set up 2 if numbers dictate
Scrimmage to End with Double Score

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Everyone take a few minutes to sit down and attentively watch and listen to this video. Its a great breakdown of the Dump/Swing. Simply put, this will make you a better Ultimate player.


Carrollton Clash Recap

Congratulations to the Womens winner Towson, who defended their title, making them the 2 time Carrollton Clash Champions.

Congratulations to the Mens winner Catholic, who avenged their pool play loss to ODU to claim the title.

Both teams will be getting team shorts courtesy of Breakmark and a free bid to come defend the title next year.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wed. and Thur. Practice

Wednesday 11-7-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
YHB Drill - 20 consecutive completions before switching
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage to 3 - scrimmage with the markers for switching the field like Monday
Breakmark Drill
Scrimmage with Double Score to End

Thursday 11-8-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Wagonwheel Drill - 2 setups, switch side to side, both sides 3 times through
Circle Stretch
Zone Scrimmage to 5
Scrimmage with Double Score to End

Carrollton Clash Update

All Varsity players need to be at Nike Park no later than 7:30 to help with setting up the tournament and to warm up for games. Please tell your parents now and ask them for their help volunteering throughout the weekend. You can see the schedule HERE.

All JV and Girls players, your help volunteering at the tournament is needed. Please come out and help this weekend.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Carrollton Clash Mens - Rescheduled

Due to Hurrican Sandy the fields are to wet to be played on this weekend. We spent several hours working on some alternate locations but could not get a sufficient location. Because of that this weekends Carrollton Clash Mens Tournament is rescheduled for next weekend November 10-11, 2012 and will be played alongside the womens tournament. All teams who were committed to the tournament please email and let us know your status for next weekend if you haven't already. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes your team.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Practice - Thursday 11-1-12

Warmup Run, Plyos
YHB Drill
O/D Transition 5 times for O and D (10 total)
Triangle Mark Drill - no hands, low hands, aggressive, normal - 7 marks each way
Scrimmage to end

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tidewater Tuneup Postponed!

TIDEWATER TUNEUP IS POSTPONED! Due to the hurricane, we will not be able to play this weekend. There is just no way we will get more than pool play complete at this point. If we get even half the expected rain the fields would be closed by Sunday. Beyond that playing in rain and 15-30mph winds is just not fun for anyone. We have already rescheduled with the park and will be moving the tournament to December 1-2, 2012. Please take time to talk to your team and let us know if you would like to attend that weekend or would like a refund. Obviously we would like you all the come that weekend and be part of what we know will be a great tournament when it goes off. Hopefully this is enough notice for everyone to cancel any hotels and things that you have in place for this weekend. We will work to get new hotels blocked for that weekend ASAP so those of you that can changes weekend will still be able to get a good hotel deal. Please let us know what you would like to do by emailing,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Brodie Smith at Kit Kat

Woodside Ultimate hanging out with Brodie Smith after Kit Kat in Philadekphia, PA this past weekend. Brodie was super nice taking the time to talk to everyone and even threw to a few of our guys.


Practice 10-24 & 10-25

Wednesday 10-24-12:
Run, Plyos
Kill Drill - 5 times through
Circle Stretch
Zone Scrimmage to 5 (mini to 5 if we don't have numbers for a full scrimmage)
Breakmark Drill, backhands and flicks
Zone Scrimmage to end (mini if needed)

Thursday 10-25-12:
Run, Plyos
3 man mark drill - 10 minutes as hard as possible
Circle Stretch
Zone Scrimmage to 3 (mini if needed)
Short 4 Corners (20 yds), flicks and backhands
Scrimmage to end (mini if needed), run vert, ho, and zone, call the set plays

Anyone injured should be throwing on the side, 500 throws minimum plus some hammers.

Tidewater Tuneup Update

Tidewater Tuneup is this weekend, we hope everyone is excited, keep your fingers crossed that our weather stays nice.

You can see the schedule using this link:

Players need to be present at 7:30 to help set up and in JV's case warmup.

As always any parents who can help either or both days it would be greatly appreciated, we will have plenty to be done around the tournament headquarters throughout the day, especially in the evening when we have dinner. Come watch your child play some ultimate and donate a little of your time to support the tournament.

In case you missed it there is construction on the JRB right now, the bridge is 1 direction each way on the weekends right now. Please account for this and give yourself an extra 15 minutes to get to the park.

If any players don't have a ride please say something to Coach Chappell at practice and lets find you a ride, don't miss the tournament because of that.

Please be aware pets are not allowed on the fields, there are trails in the woods around the park where pets are allowed but not on the fields. If you have pets on the field you can be asked to leave.

Girls will be playing 2 scrimmages on Sunday: LC Bird vs Woodside at 10:30, LC Bird vs Durga at 12:00, and Durga vs Woodside at 1:30

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kit Kat Update! IMPORTANT!

We were given first round byes for Kit Kat this weekend in order to allow us to drive up there more easily. Therefore we are changing our departure time. We will be meeting at Woodside at 3:45am and leaving at 4:00am. Everyone please be on time it is very important that we leave when scheduled.

The schedules are as follows:
Varsity: 11:00 vs Masterman, 12:30 vs Lower Merion, 2:00 Crossover Game, 3:30 Placement Game
Girls: 11:00 vs Lower Merion, 12:30 vs Radnor, 2:00 vs Science Leadership Academy, 3:30 vs Beacon

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kit Kat Information

We will be doing Kit Kat as a 1 day trip this year to try and cut the costs a little since we are bringing both Varsity and Girls. This will make for a long day but we will have Sunday to recover.

We will be meeting at Woodside at 2:15am and leaving at 2:30am. It is extremely important that everyone be on time and that we leave on time.

We should arrive at the fields at about 8:30 if we can minimize stops to 1 and don't hit any major traffic. The fields are located at: 4001 Edgely Road, Philadelphia, PA 19131.

We will have 4-5 games for both teams ending around maybe 4pm at which point we will get back on the road and head back to Woodside. Estimated arrival is 11pm, that will include a dinner stop and one other stop along the way if needed.

We do not have a schedule yet but will post it up as soon as it is received, we will also adjust these times if needed to better fit our game schedule.

Everyone make sure you get a field trip permission slip from Coach Chappell and get it signed and turned back in. You will need money for Dinner plus anything you might buy at the tournaments (discs, jerseys). You will also need all the normal ultimate stuff: cleats, socks, shorts, white and dark jersey, water, snacks, rain gear, etc.

Practice 10-15, 10-17, and 10-18

Monday, 10-15-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Circle Stretch
Dump Line Drill
Ho Scrimmage to 3
Double Disc - 2 people, 2 discs, 7-10 yds apart, as fast as you can throw, 5 minutes
Scrimmage to end

Wednesday, 10-17-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
YHB Drill - 15 consecutive completions at each throw
Circle Stretch
Ho Scrimmage to 3
Double Disc
Scrimmage to end

Thursday, 10-18-12:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Whagonwheel Drill - 2 groups, 2 drills 1 flick 1 backhand, switch between backhand and flick, twice through each
Circle Stretch
Ho Scrimmage to 3
Double Disc
Scrimmage to end

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Practice Wed. 10-10 and Thur. 10-11

Wednesday 10-10-12:Run, Plyos
YHB Drill
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score - Work on cleaning up the HO and transitioning to endzone
Scrimmage to end with Double Score - Same as above

Thursday 10-4-12:
Run, Plyos
Circle Stretch
Kill Drill - 5 times through
Triangle of Death
Scrimmag to end with Double Score - Work on cleaning up the HO and transitioning to endzone

Remind everyone about Saturday practice for Oct. 13, 2012, 9am-1pm, everyone needs to be there or have a real good reason why they can't be there.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jersey Devyl Stats

Below are the stats for Jersey Devyl 2012, as you can see that ratio of points played is very skewed toward our returning players at the moment. In order to be successful this year and build for next year we need to see this ratio even out. That can only occur through everyones hard work in practice to get better and take pressure off the returning players.
Also notice the high number of turnovers from this tournament, 115 total in 120 points played, basically 1 per point played. Everyone need to continue to improve their throws, catches, and decision making so we can reduce the number of turnovers. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Practice Wed. 10-3 and Thur. 10-4

Wednesday 10-3-12:
Run, Plyos
YHB Drill
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score - Work on endzone and calling the vert plays, run some Zone
Puke Run - Starting at the corner of the field sprint the length of the next 2 sides of the field, jog the next side, repeat. (ex. - sprint the long side and the endzone, jog the long side, sprint the endzone and the long side, jog the endzone, sprint the long side and the endzone, jog the long side, etc.) - 10 sprint cycles
Scrimmage to end with Double Score - Same as above

Thursday 10-4-12:
Run, Plyos
Circle Stretch
Kill Drill - 5 times through
Triangle of Death
Scrimmag to end with Double Score - Work on endzone and calling the vert plays, run some Zone

Annouce Saturday practice for Oct. 13, 2012,  9am-1pm, everyone needs to be there or have a real good reason why they can't be there.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jersey Devil Last Update

Everyone make sure you have a completed permission slip and a completed USAU Medical Authorization form turned in to Coach Chappell otherwise you can't go on the trip and can't play.

We will be leaving from Woodside as soon as possible after school on Friday Sept. 28, 2012. It may be more like 3:30 this time as Coach Chappell has to make it out to Hampton to help get the vans. We will get back to the school as quickly as possible though. We should be back at Woodside for pickup on Sunday Sept. 30, 2012 at around 11 if everything goes smoothly, players will call their parents approximately 30 minutes before arrival at the school.

Hotel: Howard Johnson - Princeton/Lawrenceville
2995 Brunswick Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Links to the schedule for guys and girls as well as the field addresses can be found here:

For all of the new players and as a reminder to our older guys heres a list of the basic tournament needs:

For the Fields:
White and Purple Jerseys/shirts
Shorts preferably black
Lots of socks
Compression shorts and other appropriate under frisbee attire
Rain gear
Bug spray
Water Bottle(s)
Snacks - granola bars, fruit, other healthy snacks
Spending money for discs, jerseys, etc. if desired

Regular clothes
Sleeping clothes
Sleeping bag
Bathroom necessities - toothbrush, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
Spending money for 3-4 meals

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Practice 9-26 & 9-27

Wednesday 9-26-12:
Run, Plyos
YHB Drill
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score - Work on Battleship, Rocket, endzone/iso, and zone
10x40's - 40yd sprint jog back 10 times
Scrimmage with Double Score to end of practice

Thursday 9-27-12:
Run, Plyos
Short 4 Corners - 20yds, stretch it to 35-40yds at the end
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score - Work on Battleship, Rocket, endzone/iso, and zone
3 Man Mark Drill
Scrimmage with any time left

Monday, September 24, 2012

Jersey DEVYL Schedule

You can check out the schedule for this weekend on their respective USAU Score Reporter page.



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wed/Thur Practice

Take a vote and see if people want to have a Saturday morning practice, 9am-12pm. If we can have most everyone there tell them its on and let me know. We only have 5 practices before the tournament so an extra one Saturday would be very helpful.

Wednesday 9-19-12
Run, Plyos
YHB Drill, 2 groups, 15 consecutive throws
Circle Stretch
Short 4 Corners - keep the throws short, 15-20yds, you can extend it to 25-30 yds at the end.
Kill Drill - 3 times through as fast as possible
Scrimmage - work on the 3 play calls, Vert, Battleship, Rocket - talk about how we run endzone

Thursday 9-20-12
Run, Plyos
5 minute drill
Circle Stretch
Scrimmage - work on the 3 play calls

Monday, September 17, 2012

Parent Meeting Recap

Dues: The amount of dues will be as follows, Varsity Guys - $40, JV Guys - $30, Girls - $40. Dues help pay for teams to attend tournaments including travel and lodging, they help support our home tournaments inital startup costs, and pay for our indoor event that we do in December.

Jerseys: We have decided to try and split the cost of uniforms this year, normally we would get a dark and light jersey and shorts all at once some time in early spring, this normally costs $60-70. This year we will be getting a dark jersey in the fall at a cost of $36 and a white jersey and shorts in the spring at a yet to be determined cost. We believe breaking up this cost will help lessen the burden at any one time for paying and allow us to get jerseys ordered quicker. Please fill out the Google Doc in the Jersey post with your name, size, and number immediately and get your payment to Coach Richard or Coach Chappell so we can get the jerseys ordered.

Tournaments: Check the Calendar page to see where we are planning on going this fall, where we are staying, when we plan to leave, and expect to return. As always we would be extremely appreciative of any parents who want to attend a tournament and help ease the transportation needs of the team. We will be bringing a couple of our new players to NJ with us the last weekend in Sept., however any of our new players interested in going to NJ are welcome to attend and get the tournament experience and possibly a chance to play a few points if they have a parent willing to bring them to the tournament.

Volunteers: We will need some volunteer help for our tournaments Oct. 27-28, Nov. 3-4, and Nov. 10-11. Main tasks are tournament administration type things like timing of rounds, collecting scores, selling concessions and tournament gear, etc. We will have undoubtedly have some of our returning players parents there to help any new parents learn the ropes so don't worry about knowing what to do, we would love your help, and to see you out supporting the teams and your kids. There will be plenty of chance to see you child play even while volunteering.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We are going to be getting some fully sublimated jerseys this year for our darks. We have a great design which you can see below. We will be sticking with one of our classic designs for the whites and shorts which we will order later in the year. The price is $36 and needs to be paid ASAP in order to get the jerseys in time for Tidewater Tuneup. You can give your size and number info in this Google Doc. Number preference for current players will be based on years playing for the team.  
We will also be letting any alumni interested order a jersey at the same cost as the team, you must also pay in full prior to the order. Fill out the google doc if you are interested and highlight your row in light yellow.
Guys Mockup
Girls Mockup

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Practice 9-12 & 9-13

Wednesday, 9-12
Warmup Run, Plyos, Stretch
YHB Drill
Short 4 Corners - Keep it to 20 yds or so
Kill Drill - 3 times through
30-30's - flick, backhand, and s-cut
Scrimmage to end - work in the new players

Thursday, 9-13
Warmup Run, Plyos, Stretch
YHB Drill
Wagonwheel - we ran this on Mon., 5 short cuts then a deep cut.
Kill Drill - 3 times through
Breakmark - flicks and backhands
Scrimmage to end - work in the new players

Friday, September 7, 2012

The new season is about to start, hope everyone is getting fired up and recruiting some new players for the team.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2012 VA All State Teams

The 2012 VA All State Teams were announced by USAU today.

Congratulations to Paolo Yalung for representing Woodside on the 1st team!
Congratulations to Ryan Ayres, Chase Snead, Trent Cooper, and Will Ward for making the 2nd team!

Congratulations to Haley Hammond for representing the Woodside Girls on the 1st team!

Congratulations to Richard Rudnicki for Coach of the Year!
You can find the complete Virginia Teams HERE.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Team Superlatives

Varsity - Paolo Yalung - Best All Around Performance, Will Ward - Offensive MVP, Trent Cooper - Defensive MVPJV - Josuel Jimenez - Best All Around Performance, Aaron Morris - Offensive MVP
Girls - Haley Hammond - Best All Around Performance, Katie Newton - Offensive MVP, Liz Frost - Most Improved

Couple other superlatives for Varsity,
Ethan Mobley - Best Sideline Voice
Will Ward, Paolo Yalung, Randy Higgins - Most Efficient aka most touches with the least turnovers
Tyler Stevens - Most Improved

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hat Tournament!

Come celebrate the 175th day of the year by throwing a 175g disc!
Tidewater Ultimate is hosting a hat tournament to support Summer
League and Woodside Ultimate.
Date: June 23rd
Place: Nike Park, Carrolton, VA
Time: 9:30AM start
Fee: $10 ($10.50 if paying w/ credit card)
Come on out for a day of ultimate! There will be at least 4 games per
team, with a cookout afterwards.
Click this link ( to send an email to
Tidewater Ultimate so we get enough food & water for everyone.
Money goes to support Tidewater Ultimate and Woodside Ultimate.
What is a hat tournament? Go here for more info.
Basically, you sign up as an individual, and teams are drawn "out of a
hat", although a little more balancing will be applied.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2011-12 Season Stats

Below are the stats for the entire 2011-2012 season. In all Woodside faced 38 opponents in 6 tournaments and put up a record of 22-16, however if you remove the college opponents Woodside finished with a record of 18-8, making at least the quarterfinals in 3 of the 4 HS tournaments they played.

The teams leader in scoring was Trent Cooper
The teams leader in assists was Ryan Ayres.
The teams leader in D's was Trent Cooper.
The teams leader in efficiency (pts vs turnovers) was Ethan Mobley followed by Chase Snead and Tyler Stevens.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Year End Banquet

To wrap up the 2011-2012 ultimate season we are going to have a team banquet. This year we will be having the banquet at Spare Times (1 Family Fun Place, Hampton, VA 23666), so we can enjoy some food and bowling fun, as we close out the year. The banquet will be on Sunday June 3, 2012 starting at 5pm and running until about 8. Bowling, Pizza, and Drinks will be provided, but we would like folks to bring a few side items and desserts potluck style. If you would like to bring something let us know and we can post it on here so we don't get a bunch of overlap. We look forward to seeing everyone and thanks for another fun and successful year!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Extremely successful VA State Tournament this weekend at Nike Park, and it wouldn't have been possible without all the help and support of our parents. We appreciate everything you do to help make our teams a success and allow the coaches to dedicate their focus to the field during the weekend. Finals for Varsity, Semifinals for the girls, and a strong 4-3 record for the JV wouldn't be possible without everything our parents do to help. 

We will be having a year end event in a few weeks and will get up more information as soon as we can.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

VA States Schedules

Schedules for this weekends VA State Championships are up! (Please note the schedule was changed to add Matoaca on 5-11-10, everyone helping set up still needs to be at the fields by 7:30)

Guys Schedule

Girls Schedule

Everyone who is coming to help setup in the morning needs to be there no later than 7:30am so we can get things ready to go. Players tell your parents that have signed up to help that 7:30 will be the start time on Saturday.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Southerns Update

We are officially out for Southerns on May 19-20, 2012. We have no support from the school to go and the one possible way we had to go (parental excused absences) could put our program on the bad side of the administration and cause us potential problems in the future, which is not something we want to do. It is unfortunate that we will not be able to go to TN, but without this issue distracting us we will be able to focus on our primary goal of winning states. Any players interested in still playing some really high level ultimate that weekend talk to Coach Richard, he will be going to Richmond on the 19th to tryout for VA Squires (club team) and its a great chance to play for everyone who will no longer be going to Southerns.

Wednesday and Thursday Practice

Wednesday 5-2-12
Warmup run, stretch, plyos
30-30's, split into 2 groups if needed
Scrimmage - Game to 9 - Varsity vs JV: if JV turns the disc before midfield Varsity will back up to midfield to start, if JV turns after midfield Varsity will back up to the goal line. Varsity work on Ho and transition to endzone. Alternate a varsity handler in with JV as needed to help move the disc.
3 man mark drill - position about 10-12 yards apart, run for about 10 minutes
Mixed Scrimmage to end

Thursday 5-3-12
Warmup run, stretch, plyos
YHB Drill - However many lines are needed to keep about 7-8 people per line, 15 straight completions of each throw in the drill
Scrimmage to 9 - Same as Wednesday
4 Corners - short for about 5 minutes then long for about 5 minutes
Mixed Scrimmage to end

Remind everyone about Saturday practice at 9am, we need a good turnout!

VA States Volunteers and Concession Donations

Please see below for the signups for volunteer help at States and the items already donated. If you are able to provide us with some of your time or can make a donation please email and let us know. The help and support of all our wonderful parents is what makes our tournaments so successful. Thank you.


Saturday May 12, 2012
Start-11am: Fallon, Ward, Cooper, Hammond, Evans, Newton, Irving
11am-2pm: Evans, Mobley, Cooper, McCullan, Christopher, Irving
2pm-5pm: Cooper, McCullan, Morris, Irving
5pm-End: Cooper, McCullan, Disher, Irving

Sunday May 13, 2012
Start-11am: Ward, Cooper, Epley, Newton, Hammond, Manley
11am-2pm: Cooper, McCullan, Christopher
2pm-End: Cooper, McCullan, Disher

Things we could still use: buns, fruit salad, popcorn was suggested, anything you thing might work well let us know.

Ford - Pasta Salad
Newton - Cookies, 4pks Hot Dogs and Buns
Hammond - Pickles, 4pks Hot Dogs and Buns
Morris - 240 Hot Dogs
Cooper - Baked Goods and Pasta Salad
Irving - Cookies
Manley - Cake, Granola Bars
Disher, Christopher - Items as needed

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wed & Thur Practice

Wednesday 4-25-12
Run, Plyos, Stretch
YHB Drill - lines of about 7 people, mix JV evenly, 15 straight completions on each throw before changing
Triangle of Death - same groups as YHB drill, teach the JV guys the drill
Scrimmage to 3
Breakmark Drill - flicks and backhands, stress making the throw with the correct curve
Scrimmage to the end

Wrap up practice a few minutes early so people can head to Chick Fil A for the team day. Remind everyone going to scrimmage W&M to be back at 6:15. Remind everyone that we have practice scheduled for Saturday morning at 9am this week and next.

Thursday 4-26-12
Run, plyos, Stretch
Hot Box, split into as many teams as needed, split JV evenly, every team plays 3 games rotate teams after each game
Scrimmage to the end

Monday, April 23, 2012

Team Day at Chick Fil A

We are having a team day at Chick Fil A on Wednesday April 25, 2012 from 5pm to 8pm. Just go in and say you support Woodside Ultimate and 10% of your purchase will go to the team. Tell everyone you know to go to Chick Fil A that evening. The team will be on hand trying to drum up support.

Summer Leagues

Signups have begun for Tidewater Ultimate Summer League, you can find all the info in this link.

Signups for Greater Richmond Ultimate League are in this link. Coach Richard is playing GRUL so if you are interested in playing talk to him about carpooling.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wed & Thur Practice

Wednesday 4-18-12
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 Corners, 5 min, Regular 4 Corners, 5 min
Scrimmage w/ Double Score to 5
5 minute drill
Scrimmage until the end of practice

Thursday 4-19-12
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Kill Drill, 4 times through
Scrimmage w/ Double Score to 5
3 man mark drill, 15 min
Scrimmage until the end of practice

Remind everyone to bring their $30 for Southerns, Varsity to the scrimmage Sunday or to practice Monday, and Girls to practice Monday.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Southerns Info 2

The hotel for Southerns is:

Arbour Inn and Suites
6710 Ringgold Road
East Ridge, TN 37412

The rate is $89.99/night plus tax

We have 6 rooms reserved at this time, however we only need 4 rooms for the team. We did this to insure a couple rooms for parents would be available. Any parents looking to reserve a room can call and tell them you would like to change the name on one of our rooms from Rudnicki to you own name and just provide them your credit card info for the reservation. Please make sure there are still 4 rooms remaining if you are going to grab one of our rooms. If someone beats you to the punch and grabs those 2 rooms just tell them you are getting rooms in the block for "USA Ultimate", the block ends on April 20th so you will want to do this sometime this week.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

W&M Scrimmage

Varsity will be scrimmaging William & Mary, at W&M on Barksdale Field on Sunday April 22, 2012 at 11am. We will meet at Woodside at 9:30am and carpool over. We would like to take as few vehicles as possible, so if we can get just 4-5 players/parents to drive and fill their cars that would be great. Coach Richard will take 3 folks with him.

Shore Tour Info 2

We will be leaving from the school at 4:30am Saturday. Please be there by 4:15 so we can get loaded up and on the road. It is crucial that we leave on time and make any stops extremely quick so that we can get to the fields with sufficient warmup time. The guys will have 4 games and a placement game at the end, there is also a short break for some lunch. The girls will have 4 games with a bye in the middle and also the short lunch break.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shore Tour Info

This Saturday we will be taking a Girls team and a JV+ team (JV + all varsity players who are juniors and a couple other coaches selections) to Shore Tour in Centreville, MD. This is just a 1 day tournament so all you will need is your ultimate attire, cleats, water, snacks, sunscreen, and a few dollars for something to eat on the way back. The address for Queen Anne's County HS where the tournament will be held is 125 Ruthsburg Road, Centreville, MD 21617. An exact schedule is not out as of this moment so we don't have an exact departure time right now, but we should have one to announce at practice Thursday and we will post it up here as soon as possible. If you haven't gotten a field trip permission form from Chappell go see him immediately.

Parent Meeting

We will have a parent meeting on Monday April 30, 2012 at 6pm in Coach Chappells Room. We will be discussing the state tournament on May 12-13. Part of the meeting will be getting parents to sign up for volunteer help in running the tournament. We need parents at this meeting so please make sure you show this to your parents if you haven't already.


Those of you who have yet to pay your spring dues need to do so, if you don't remember how much look back to our parent meeting recap in February for the details. We are setting a final payment deadline for spring dues of Friday April 27, 2012.

Southerns Info 1

Woodside Guys and Girls have both been extended bids to play at the innaugural HS Southerns on May 19-20, 2012 in Chattanooga, TN.

First and foremost, you need to decide if you are attending, this is the same weekend as prom so you Seniors need to make a decision. You need to make this decision now if you ask 2 weeks prior to the event the answer is no. This is tied to the fact that we need to do our rostering by April 20, 2012, so if you haven't completed your USAU you need to go do it ASAP so you can be put on the roster.

Second, there is a $30 per player fee for the tournament entry fee. As we stated in the parents meeting and here on the blog this fee was not built in to dues because bids were not certain. This fee needs to be in no later than Monday April 23 at the end of practice. Please make any checks out to Richard Rudnicki and give your payment to Coach Richard so that he can send payment to USAU.

Third, there will be an additional as yet determined fee to cover vans, hotels, gas, etc for the tournament. We are looking to keep this as small as possible and are looking at some fundraising options to do prior to the tournament to help offset the costs. We will get an exact amount as quickly as possible.

Fourth, if you haven't played your club dues yet you need to do so. Part of the reason we aren't sure the exact cost is because so many people haven't paid dues yet. Get your dues in ASAP.

We will continue to provide more info as we get closer.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

YHB Invite Stats

Stats from this weekends YHB Invite in Arlington, VA.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wed & Thur Practice

Mix all JV players in until scrimmaging then send all extra JV to help the girls be able to scrimmage.

Wednesday 3-28-12
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Kill Drill - 4 time through
Breakmark Drill
Scrimmage to 5 with Double Score - Work on calling endzone and executing it, work with our 4 JV guys who are going this weekend so they are clear on what to do in endzone, and work on explaining Ho to them as you run it.
Zone Scrimmage - Focus on a tight cup and trapping the sidelines, work with JV as needed.
5 minute drill

Thursday 3-29-12
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 Corners
3 man mark drill
Scrimmage - run vert, ho, and zone, and make sure the 4 JV guys coming this weekend have a grasp of everything.

YHB Invite Info

We will be meeting at Woodside at 2:30pm on Friday March 30th to head up to Arlington for YHB Invite. Please check the weather and pack accordingly, please try to pack light because we are limited on space in the vans.

Please make sure you have your permission slip complete and turned in to Coach Chappell.

Girls please have your USAU complete and get your ID number to Coach Chappell by Wednesday.

Guys Schedule

Fields: Long Bridge Park – Crystal City, Arlington
475 Long Bridge Drive
Arlington, VA 22203

Parking: There is ample parking in the designated lot at the field BUT there is a parking fee. These are metered spaces and you will be required to display a parking voucher that you purchase from a vending machine. The machine takes credit cards. The cost is $1.25 per hour from 8am – 6pm, or $12.50 for the day. Parking is free on Sunday. We understand that free parking is available on the weekends at 2011 11th St, South, walking distance from the fields.

Bagels: We will have complementary bagels and bananas for visiting teams at the concession table in the parking lot. We also plan to have coffee on hand for the parents and coaches. HOWEVER, no food or beverages are allowed on the field at any time, including snacks which you or your players may have packed for the game. This includes any snack bars, energy bars, Gatorade, etc.

Guys Field and Parent Coordinator: Peter Hage (703) 362 7332 – cell, Kit Arthur (703) 850-1906 - cell

Girls Schedule

Fields: Washington Lee High School
1301 N Stafford St
Arlington, VA 22201

Parking: There is ample parking in the lot entered along Stafford street just past the school.  It’s free public parking. You are also welcome to park in designated street spots.

Bagels: We will have complementary bagels and bananas for visiting teams at the concession booth. We also plan to sell light concessions snacks a drinks.  However food and beverages other than water and Gatorade may only be consumed off the fields or track.

Girls Field and Parent Coordinator for YHB Ultimate: Jenny Lawson (703)-599-9873

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HS Easterns Schedule

You can use the link below to see the schedule for the tournament this weekend. It may change before this weekend as we have requested that the Woodside teams be placed in opposite pools.

Practice Wed & Thur

Wednesday 3-21-12:Warmup, Run, Plyos
Kill Drill and 30-30's - run simultaneously split into X/Y like Monday
Scrimmage - work on running Zone, work with JV players to get them in the right place, talk about positioning on O and D and on Zone offense as needed
5 minute drill

Thursday 3-22-12:
Warmup, Run, Plyos
Kill Drill and 3 Man Mark Drill - run simultaneously split into X/Y like Monday
Scrimmage - work on running Zone, work with JV players to get them in the right place, talk about positioning on O and D and on Zone offense as needed. Mix in some regular vert points as well.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tournament Info

Some info for this weekends tournament.

We will be leaving immediately after school, we will try to be on the move by 2:45 or 3 at the latest. Be ready to go on time so we can get to NC at a reasonable time.

Please pack well but lightly, we are somewhat limited on space in the vans. Things you should consider having: White and Purple jerseys, shorts, compression shorts, socks, cleats, sunscreen, chapstick, water, snacks, clothes for when we are not playing, toiletries, money for food (dinner fri, sat, sun). Check the weather to see if you may need rain gear or extra clothes.

Field Address: 4700 Old Avenue, Castle Hayne, NC 28429

Hotel Address: Country Inn & Suites - 4706 New Centre Drive, Wilmington, NC 24805 - Ph. 1-910-398-6470

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sunday Practice

We will be practicing this Sunday, March 18, 2012 at 2pm at Woodside. Everyone do your best to be there so we can be ready for our tournament in Wilmington, NC next weekend.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

USAU Dues Reminder

JV players your date is less than a week away. Please give the coaches your USAU Id number once you get it so they can add you to the roster.

Girls your date is just over a week away. You need to give your USAU Id number to
Coach Chappell and Coach Richard.

All players need to get their USAU dues paid and the waiver done. This can be done online HERE. You can sign up or renew by clicking join online and logging in, if you were not a member before you can create a new login and get signed up. All players Varsity, JV, and Girls need to do this or you will not be able to play in several of our spring tournaments.
  • JV needs to have this done no later than March 21, 2012
  • Girls need to have this done no later than March 28, 2012

If you don't have your USAU done by the date listed about you will not be able to attend the tournaments we are scheduled to attend that weekend.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Practice Wed. 3-14 and Thur. 3-15

Wednesday 3-14-12:
Warmup, Run, Plyos
Kill Drill and 30-30's - run simultaneously split into X/Y like Monday
10x20's - 20yd sprint, jog back, 10 reps
Scrimmage - work on cleaning up the Vert, work with JV players to get them in the right place, talk about endzone as needed
5 minute drill

Thursday 3-15-12:
Warmup, Run, Plyos
Serpentine Agility - set up a serpentine the first few cuts should be 5 yards apart to the side and forward, after that you can vary the distances in both directions - run 4 times through, focus on jab step as you cut to the outside of the cones
Kill Drill and 30-30's - run simultaneously split into X/Y like Monday
Scrimmage - work on cleaning up the Vert, work with JV players to get them in the right place, talk about endzone as needed
5x40's - Same as 10x20 less reps further distance

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wed. & Thur. Practice

Wednesday 3-7-12
Warmup Run, Stretch, Plyos
Kill Drill - Groups of 3, 3 times through
Triangle of Death - everyone throws
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score, focus on setting up endzone and running it
5 minute drill
Scrimmage to 3 - Vert only
Scrimmage to 3 - Ho only
10x20's - 20 yd sprint, jog back, repeat 10 times
Regular Scrimmage with any time remaining

Thursday 3-8-12
Warmup Run, Stretch, plyos
Hot Box - teams of 3, games to 5, play every team once
Short 4 Corners
Zone Scrimmage to 5
Scrimmage with Double Score, focus on setting up endzone and running it
3 - 70 yd sprints, 15 sec rest between each

Summer Ultimate Camp

Capital Ultimate Camp will be back again this year. This is a great opportunity to go play some ultimate, get some good instruction, and build your skills for next year. Don't wait until the last minute, start thinking about it now.
We hope everyone had a great time a Woodside invite this past weekend, we have no idea how we managed to get all the games in through the rain but we did.

Congratulations to Yale Superfly for winning the second annual Woodside Invite!

We have some photos from the weekend which can be found on Picasa

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Practice Wed. & Thur.

Warmup Run, Stretch, Plyos
Kill Drill groups of 3, 3 times cutting (new drill we ran last Thursday)
3 man mark drill
Scrimmage to 5 Vert only
Scrimmage to 5 Ho only
Scrimmage to 5 Zone only
Scrimmage with Double Score if theres any time remaining, any O or D

Run the same practice both days, focus on:
  • Cleaning up our stacks, make sure we are clearing out so we open that cutting lane back up for the next cutter. 
  • Switching the field on Vert and keeping the disc centered on Ho.
  • Improving the Zone, lets focus on getting the cup tight enough to prevent the throws through the Cup, and the mark keeping the force into the cup and preventing those back/around throws, far side safety shifting to the middle when the disc gets to a sideline.
  • Calling Endzone and transitioning into endzone and running it correctly out of the stoppage on the Double Score.

Parents Meeting Recap

Thanks you everyone hwo attended the meeting and to the new parents and players who were present.

Dues - $50 for Varsity, $40 for JV, $30 for Girls - Southerns is not included in this, assuming we get a bid/s for Southerns we will charge the entry fee accordingly at that time.

USAU Dues - Need to be paid before the first tournament for each team, March 1 for Varsity, March 21 for JV, March 28 for Girls. You can signup or renew under the Membership tab on

Tournaments - See the Calendar for our upcoming schedule. All dates after YHB Invite are subject to change. Hotels for Wilmington, NC and Arlington, VA are both listed on the Calendar. Any parents who plan on attending, please lets us know so we can count accordingly.

Volunteers - We are asking that every Varsity and JV player come out this weekend one of the 2 days and that you have a parent there for a little while even if its only 1-2 hours one of the two days of the tournament. Our tournaments couldn't function without the help of our players and parents and we like everyone to know how the tournaments function.

Hoodies - For a limited time we are selling Hoodies for $20, so if you want a hoodie get them quick and save a few bucks.

Jerseys - For anyone who wasn't on the team in the fall and is interested in getting jerseys/shorts, we will be in touch with Spin about getting another order. Unfortunately due to quantity they will probably be abotu $70 for the full set.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Woodside Invite Schedule

The schedule for Woodside Invite is up on Score Reporter. Teams will be ranked and filled in apx. 1 week before the tournament.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Parent Meeting

Parent meeting will be held on Monday February 27, 2012 at 6:00pm in Coach Chappells room, C150. We will be discussing the upcoming season, in particular:

  • All players need to get their USAU membership up to date, or get a membership if they are new, they also need to complete the online waiver (see post from 2-7-12). This is required so that players are covered under the USAU insurance at tournaments, they will not be allowed to play in the tournament if they are not up to date.
  • All players need to pay their club dues, these dues pay for our attendance at tournaments and the necessary transportation and lodging. Exact amounts will be announced at the meeting and posted on the blog, we are still working up an idea of the costs for the spring. We can split dues into a couple payments if needed. If you did not pay your fall dues those are still due.
  • Tournament schedule is on the calendar along with what teams will be attending so please look at the dates and plan ahead. We will need support for our home tournament on March 3-4 to help run the tournament. Any parents interested in attending the away tournaments please let us know in advance if you can so we can plan accordingly. 
We will provide an update after the meeting providing any new or more detailed information that we might have by that time.

Wednesday and Thursday Practice

Wednesday 2-15-1Run, Plyos, Stretch
3-70yd sprints, 15 sec rest between each
Breakmark, both throws
10x20's - 20 yds sprint, jog back, repeat
Compas throws - twice around flicks and backhands
Scrimmage with Double Score - WORK ON Endzone
5-40 yd sprints, 15 sec rest between each

Thursday 11-17-11
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Dish/Huck Drill
5 minute drill
Scrimmage to 5
Triangle Mark Drill
5-70yd sprints with 20 sec rest between each

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


All players need to get their USAU dues paid and the waiver done. This can be done online HERE. You can sign up or renew by clicking join online and logging in, if you were not a member before you can create a new login and get signed up. All players Varsity, JV, and Girls need to do this or you will not be able to play in several of our spring tournaments.
  • Varisty needs to have this done no later than March 1, 2012
  • JV needs to have this done no later than March 21, 2012
  • Girls need to have this done no later than March 28, 2012
If you don't have your USAU done by the date listed about you will not be able to attend the tournaments we are scheduled to attend that weekend.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spring Practice

Spring Practices start on Monday February 13, 2012, same time and place as always, bring your cleats, white/dark, water, etc. and lets get the spring started.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

US Team

Congratulations to John Kennedy, Josh Ford, and Chase Snead for getting invites to the US Under 20 National Team tryouts. We are proud to have you representing Woodside Ultimate against some of the best players on the east coast.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Check out the logo Savage put together for this years Woodside Invite. We have a great field coming together for this years tournament. Leanr more on the Woodside Invite page.