This page has a link to all the drills we have or will be running.
Box Drill
Dishy Huck
Dump Line
Layout Drill
Mark/Break Mark Drill
Michigan St.
Quick Cuts and Huck
S Cut Drill
Short and Long
Short Line Drill
Sideline Mark Drill
Triangle Mark Drill
WM or Woodside Drill
1 on 1 Drill
3 Man Weave
4 Corners
4 Line Drill
5 Minute Drill
All drills have been posted at The Ultimate Skills and Drills website. Go to the website and sort by "Name" and they are all labeled Woodside - "drill name" Once you choose a drill you can read the description and play the animation. Adjust the play speed slower if the drill animation is hard to follow. The drills will be accessible as long as that site exists, if they disappear please let an admin know so they can look into the issue or remove this page. If the link doesnt work try cutting and pasting it from below.