This years Carrollton Clash is sponsored by Breakmark. There will be great prizes from Breakmark and they will be on hand with all kinds of great gear.
They have put together this sweet logo for the tournament that you can snag at the tournament. - Coming Soon
Send your bid to
When: College Mens (Open) will be held October 18-19, 2014
Where: Nike Park, 13036 Nike Park Road, Carrollton, VA 23314
Teams: Up to 20 teams, list will be posted as teams are accepted.
Mens - Longwood, CNU, ODU, UMBC, VCU, West Virginia X/Y, Salisbury, Catholic, Woodside
Games: Teams will receive 6-8 games in a standard pool followed by brackets format. Games will be played to 13 except for the finals which will be played to 15, Cap times have yet to be determined, 1 timeout per half plus a floater, USAU 11th Edition Rules.
Price: Cost will be $250 per team with a $25 reduction for additional teams. Payment due 2 weeks prior to the tournament.
Checks can be made out to Woodside Ultimate and mailed to:
Woodside Ultimate
163 Cherokee Rd
Hampton, VA 23661
You can pay via PayPal by sending your payment to please put your team in the notes so I know who to credit.
If you need an invoice or tax information for your school let us know.
Inclusions: We will have the usual great tournament food and copious amounts of water, there will be a trainer on hand, lined fields, up to date score keeping, and all the usual stuff you have come to expect from our tournaments Carrollton Clash and Woodside Invite.
Schedule: We will be working around youth soccer on Saturday morning, this usually just means a few more teams get to sleep in and has no effect on getting finished Saturday/Sunday.
Prizes: This years winning team will receive a free bid to next years tournament, and a set of team shorts from Breakmark.
Fields: We have great lined fields, click here to see the field layout.
Merchandise: Breakmark will be on hand with some great tournament gear.
Courtyard Marriot - Suffolk
8060 Harbour View Blvd
Suffolk, VA 23435
Direct Line: 757-483-5777
Hotel Fax Line: 757-483-5778
Carrollton Clash
Start date: 10/17/14
End date: 10/19/14
Last day to book by: 9/26/14
Marriott hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Past Champions:
2013: Open - Buffalo
2012: Open - Catholic, Womens - Towson
2011: Open - Maryland, Womens - Towson