Monday, March 24, 2014

Thursday Practice

Remind everyone about W&M tournament, Shore Tour, Saturday Practice April 19, paying spring dues, and paying for jerseys.

Thursday 3-27-14:
Warmup Run, Plyos
YHB Drill - 2 groups, 20 catches
Circle Stretch
Breakmark Drill
Kill Drill - 3 sets, 15 reps
Scrimmage to End - Work on Ho mix in Vert/Vert Play, Zone

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

YULA Invite Information

If you are still looking for a hotel the team hotel is listed on the calendar.

Guys will be leaving at 4:45am from the Woodside parking lot. Be on time so we can get moving. First game is at 9:00am and we want sufficient warmup time. Guys will be playing at Long Bridge Park, 475 Long Bridge Dr., Arlington, VA 22202. Guys schedule can be found here,

Girls will be leaving at 7:30am from the Woodside parking lot. Be on time so we can get moving. First game is at 1:00pm. Girls will be playing at Long Bridge Park, 475 Long Bridge Dr., Arlington, VA 22202. Girls schedule can be found here,

JV will be leaving at 7:30am from the Woodside parking lot. Be on time so we can get moving. First game is at 12:00pm and we want sufficient warmup time. JV will be playing at Washington and Lee HS, 1301 N. Stafford St., Arlington, VA 22201. JV schedule can be found here,

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wed/Thur Practice

Exact departure times for all teams will be posted tomorrow, Wednesday, 3-19-14

Wednesday 3-19-14:
Warmup Run,
Plyos YHB Drill,
2 groups, 20 completions
Circle Stretch
Kill Drill - 4 sets, 15 reps
Scrimmage to 3 - Ho, vert, zone whatever you want to run
5 minute drill
Scrimmage 4 - 70yd sprints

Thursday 3-20-14:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Breakmark Drill
Circle Stretch
3 man mark drill
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score
Endzone Drill
Scrimmage with any time left

Friday, March 14, 2014

Woodside Invite

Varisty needs to be at Nike Park at 7am to help set up, lets get everyone there on time so we can get it knocked out and be ready to warm up on time. Games on Saturday should run until about 5.

We will figure out Sunday at the end of the day Saturday as we see where our results place us. You will need to be there the same time though.

Any girls or jv wanting to come volunteer or support the varsity are welcome. All new players this spring can earn $15 off jerseys by coming out and volunteering for a few hours either day.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mon/Wed Practice

Monday 3-10-14:
Warmup Run, Plyos
YHB Drill - 2 groups, 20 completions
Circle Stretch
Kill Drill - 3 sets, 15 reps
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score, work on HO, Endzone O, Zone
5 minute drill
Scrimmage to end

Wednesday 3-12-14:
Warmup Run, Plyos
Endzone Drill
Circle Stretch
Breakmark Drill
Scrimmage to 3 with Double Score, work on HO and Endzone O, Zone
10x20's - 20yd sprint jog back, repeat for 10 reps
Scrimmage to end

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

YULA Invite Hotel Information

If you are planning on traveling to YULA Invite in Arlington, VA with the team we have booked hotels at the following hotel:

Comfort Inn Ballston/Arlington
1211 N. Glebe Rd.
Arlington, VA 22201
Ph. 703-247-3399

The rate is $89/night for 2 doubles, complimentary breakfast is included. We are planning on driving to the tournament on Saturday morning and only staying 1 night (Saturday). This hotel is only a few blocks from Washington and Lee HS where one of the teams will be playing, we just don't know which team yet.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wed. Practice

Wed. 3-5-14:

Long Warmup Run, Plyos
Sprints - 30-40yds, 8 reps, with 10-15sec rest between
Circle Stretch
Stations, 3 min per station, 3 times through - Cone Hops, Standing Sideways with Hip Turn Accelerators, Lunges, Stairs, X Drill, Body weight squats, Alternating Sprints - 25yds,
Hot Box

Warmup Run, Plyos
Kill Drill, 3 Sets, 15 reps
Circle Stretch
Ho Scrimmage to 3
Endzone Practice - 10 reps for each team running Red and 10 reps playing D, start on both sides and middle, right on the line and out to about 7-10 yards, work on clean cuts and clearing, maintaining possession with handlers as needed.
Short 4 corners (15-20 yds) for a few minutes, then stretch it to long throws
Scrimmage to end, mix in Ho, Vert, Z