Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ordering Jerseys

New this year, all jersey ordering will be done through the Breakmark website, Coach Richard and Coach Chappell will not be taking any money from anyone. You will follow this link:

Once there you will select the items you want, fill in the information for guys/girls cut, size, and number, and pay. In order to make sure we don't have any duplicate numbers please talk to the girls and varsity captains they will compile a list and make sure all our new players get a number that isn't in use.

The items every player needs are the short sleeve grey, short sleeve white, and shorts. All other items are extras you can order them if you would like, you will still match and be able to wear them in games, but they are not required. We would encourage everyone to get the compression shirt, they are great for cold weather which we spend a lot of time playing in.

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