A short recap of the items discussed at the parent meeting:
1. Schedule - You can get a good idea of our spring schedule on the Calendar page. We list the tournaments, where they are, which teams are going and other pertinent information as we have it.
2. USA Ultimate Membership - All players need to be up to date USA Ultimate members, this allows them to play in all the sanctioned tournaments including YULA, States, and Southerns. They can get or renew their membership on the USAU Membership page. The cost is $30, this is separate from their spring dues.
3. Spring Dues - Spring dues will be $35 for Varsity and Girls, $25 for JV, as mentioned above this does not cover their USAU Membership, this also does not cover the player fee for Southerns. The dues cover only a minimal amount of our expenses most of our season is funded by our tournaments so please volunteer and help at the tournaments. Spring dues are also lower than previously in order to try and ensure we recoup the fall dues still owed.
4. HS Southerns - Southerns is a Regional Championship tournament that we attended in 2013 and were awarded a spot in 2012 but were unable to attend. We will again be putting in a bid and hopefully awarded spots for both our varsity and girls teams. All attending players must be up to date USA Ultimate members, must have matching uniforms, and there is a separate player fee (previously $30/player) which will be required to be paid by the players. We will announce the fee as soon as we know, and assuming we are awarded bids.
5. Woodside Invite Volunteering - As mentioned our tournaments provide a significant portion of our funding for the year, therefore it is vital that they run well. We need parents and players from the team not playing to come help with setup, concessions, cleanup, etc.
6. Jersey Discount - We have a jersey discount offer for new players. We made this same offer in the fall to all players, so we want to give the new folks the same opportunity. If you or a parent volunteers at one of the Woodside Invite Tournaments you will receive $15 off the cost of jerseys.
7. Jerseys - Since we ordered jerseys in the fall we have a limited number of extra jersey sets, all extras will be sold on a first come basis. Once all jerseys are sold we will have to reorder for those folks remaining. A reorder of a small quantity will be expensive so get an extra now or you will get stuck with a higher price. You can see what you owe for jerseys HERE.
8. Fall Dues - Some folks still haven't paid fall dues. We have a complete list HERE.
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