Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Practice Wed. & Thur.

Warmup Run, Stretch, Plyos
Kill Drill groups of 3, 3 times cutting (new drill we ran last Thursday)
3 man mark drill
Scrimmage to 5 Vert only
Scrimmage to 5 Ho only
Scrimmage to 5 Zone only
Scrimmage with Double Score if theres any time remaining, any O or D

Run the same practice both days, focus on:
  • Cleaning up our stacks, make sure we are clearing out so we open that cutting lane back up for the next cutter. 
  • Switching the field on Vert and keeping the disc centered on Ho.
  • Improving the Zone, lets focus on getting the cup tight enough to prevent the throws through the Cup, and the mark keeping the force into the cup and preventing those back/around throws, far side safety shifting to the middle when the disc gets to a sideline.
  • Calling Endzone and transitioning into endzone and running it correctly out of the stoppage on the Double Score.

Parents Meeting Recap

Thanks you everyone hwo attended the meeting and to the new parents and players who were present.

Dues - $50 for Varsity, $40 for JV, $30 for Girls - Southerns is not included in this, assuming we get a bid/s for Southerns we will charge the entry fee accordingly at that time.

USAU Dues - Need to be paid before the first tournament for each team, March 1 for Varsity, March 21 for JV, March 28 for Girls. You can signup or renew under the Membership tab on www.usaultimate.org

Tournaments - See the Calendar for our upcoming schedule. All dates after YHB Invite are subject to change. Hotels for Wilmington, NC and Arlington, VA are both listed on the Calendar. Any parents who plan on attending, please lets us know so we can count accordingly.

Volunteers - We are asking that every Varsity and JV player come out this weekend one of the 2 days and that you have a parent there for a little while even if its only 1-2 hours one of the two days of the tournament. Our tournaments couldn't function without the help of our players and parents and we like everyone to know how the tournaments function.

Hoodies - For a limited time we are selling Hoodies for $20, so if you want a hoodie get them quick and save a few bucks.

Jerseys - For anyone who wasn't on the team in the fall and is interested in getting jerseys/shorts, we will be in touch with Spin about getting another order. Unfortunately due to quantity they will probably be abotu $70 for the full set.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Woodside Invite Schedule

The schedule for Woodside Invite is up on Score Reporter. Teams will be ranked and filled in apx. 1 week before the tournament.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Parent Meeting

Parent meeting will be held on Monday February 27, 2012 at 6:00pm in Coach Chappells room, C150. We will be discussing the upcoming season, in particular:

  • All players need to get their USAU membership up to date, or get a membership if they are new, they also need to complete the online waiver (see post from 2-7-12). This is required so that players are covered under the USAU insurance at tournaments, they will not be allowed to play in the tournament if they are not up to date.
  • All players need to pay their club dues, these dues pay for our attendance at tournaments and the necessary transportation and lodging. Exact amounts will be announced at the meeting and posted on the blog, we are still working up an idea of the costs for the spring. We can split dues into a couple payments if needed. If you did not pay your fall dues those are still due.
  • Tournament schedule is on the calendar along with what teams will be attending so please look at the dates and plan ahead. We will need support for our home tournament on March 3-4 to help run the tournament. Any parents interested in attending the away tournaments please let us know in advance if you can so we can plan accordingly. 
We will provide an update after the meeting providing any new or more detailed information that we might have by that time.

Wednesday and Thursday Practice

Wednesday 2-15-1Run, Plyos, Stretch
3-70yd sprints, 15 sec rest between each
Breakmark, both throws
10x20's - 20 yds sprint, jog back, repeat
Compas throws - twice around flicks and backhands
Scrimmage with Double Score - WORK ON Endzone
5-40 yd sprints, 15 sec rest between each

Thursday 11-17-11
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Dish/Huck Drill
5 minute drill
Scrimmage to 5
Triangle Mark Drill
5-70yd sprints with 20 sec rest between each

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


All players need to get their USAU dues paid and the waiver done. This can be done online HERE. You can sign up or renew by clicking join online and logging in, if you were not a member before you can create a new login and get signed up. All players Varsity, JV, and Girls need to do this or you will not be able to play in several of our spring tournaments.
  • Varisty needs to have this done no later than March 1, 2012
  • JV needs to have this done no later than March 21, 2012
  • Girls need to have this done no later than March 28, 2012
If you don't have your USAU done by the date listed about you will not be able to attend the tournaments we are scheduled to attend that weekend.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spring Practice

Spring Practices start on Monday February 13, 2012, same time and place as always, bring your cleats, white/dark, water, etc. and lets get the spring started.