Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Along the way with tournaments and jerseys and all the other things going on this spring we have not done a very good job of collecting all the club dues. There are still a lot of you who have not paid the club dues of $25. If you know you haven't done it please be proactive and do so, we will be compiling a list and hunting you down otherwise. Just a recap of what you have to pay for the year so that you know where you stand.

1. Club Dues - $25.00 - This is used to help pay for vans, hotels, etc. - Required

2. USAU Dues - $29.00 - Go to USAUltimate.org and become a member, this is required in order to compete in states or any other snactioned tournament and provides you with insurance at those events, as well as a quarterly magazine, and some other goodies. - Required

3. Jerseys - $50.00 - This is only if you want 2 sweet jerseys and a pair of shorts if not you can use whatever purple and white shirt you own. - Not required.

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