Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kit Kat Information

We will be doing Kit Kat as a 1 day trip this year to try and cut the costs a little since we are bringing both Varsity and Girls. This will make for a long day but we will have Sunday to recover.

We will be meeting at Woodside at 2:15am and leaving at 2:30am. It is extremely important that everyone be on time and that we leave on time.

We should arrive at the fields at about 8:30 if we can minimize stops to 1 and don't hit any major traffic. The fields are located at: 4001 Edgely Road, Philadelphia, PA 19131.

We will have 4-5 games for both teams ending around maybe 4pm at which point we will get back on the road and head back to Woodside. Estimated arrival is 11pm, that will include a dinner stop and one other stop along the way if needed.

We do not have a schedule yet but will post it up as soon as it is received, we will also adjust these times if needed to better fit our game schedule.

Everyone make sure you get a field trip permission slip from Coach Chappell and get it signed and turned back in. You will need money for Dinner plus anything you might buy at the tournaments (discs, jerseys). You will also need all the normal ultimate stuff: cleats, socks, shorts, white and dark jersey, water, snacks, rain gear, etc.

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