Wednesday 3-2-11
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 line drill - run it until everyone has thrown, if numbers are to low drop it to 3 lines.
10x40's - 40yd sprint, jog back, repeat, 10 times total
Triangle Mark Drill - push the pace run between each mark, start the stall at 6
Scrimmage to 7 - use everything we have worked on Ho, Vert, Zone, calling endzones, etc.
5 minute drill
Scrimmage if there is more time
Thursday 3-2-11
Run, Plyos, Stretch
30-30's - run it to both sides and the s-cut, focus on making good throws and timing the cuts, if people start throwing layout discs stop the drill and run 5-40yd sprints then start again
Scrimmage to 5 - winner runs 3-70yd sprints, loser runs 5
Dump Line - same as monday, everyone throws
Scrimmage to 5 - winner runs 3-70yd sprints, loser runs 5
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Parents Meeting Recap
Just a quick recap of what was discussed at the parents meeting.
- Everyone needs to go to and sign up for a youth membership and do the waiver, this can all be done online at 1 time. This is required to participate at VA States, it also provides insurance at sanctioned tournaments and leagues, a quarterly magazine, and helps to support youth ultimate initiatives.
- Everyone needs to pay club dues which will be $25, this helps pay for tournaments and the vans and hotels needed at tournaments.
- Everyone needs to turn in a physical, talk to Coach Chappell for more information about this.
- Jerseys will be $50 for a set, this gets you a white and dark jersey, shorts, and a trucker hat. Varsity needs to pay by Thursday 2-24, JV and Girls need to pay by Thursday 3-3, this short timeframe is to enable us to receive everything prior to our first tournaments.
- The schedule can be found on the blog calendar, and now lists which teams will be attending which events.
- We really need a high level of attendance to support our goals of winning a state championship and having the best JV team in the state, so please stress attendance to your kids, or your friends so that our teams can be successful.
- Everyone needs to go to and sign up for a youth membership and do the waiver, this can all be done online at 1 time. This is required to participate at VA States, it also provides insurance at sanctioned tournaments and leagues, a quarterly magazine, and helps to support youth ultimate initiatives.
- Everyone needs to pay club dues which will be $25, this helps pay for tournaments and the vans and hotels needed at tournaments.
- Everyone needs to turn in a physical, talk to Coach Chappell for more information about this.
- Jerseys will be $50 for a set, this gets you a white and dark jersey, shorts, and a trucker hat. Varsity needs to pay by Thursday 2-24, JV and Girls need to pay by Thursday 3-3, this short timeframe is to enable us to receive everything prior to our first tournaments.
- The schedule can be found on the blog calendar, and now lists which teams will be attending which events.
- We really need a high level of attendance to support our goals of winning a state championship and having the best JV team in the state, so please stress attendance to your kids, or your friends so that our teams can be successful.
Jerseys are going to be $50 for the set of Light and Dark Jerseys, Shorts, and a Trucker Hat. Varsity needs to have payment in by Thursday 2-24-11 in order for everything to be here for the first tournament. JV and Girls need to have payment in by Thursday 3-3-11 in order for everything to be here for their first tournament.
Varsity Mockups - We have chosen the 2 middle ones on the top row, they will be making a little adjustment to the lettering.

JV Mockup
Varsity Mockups - We have chosen the 2 middle ones on the top row, they will be making a little adjustment to the lettering.

JV Mockup

Practice 2-23 & 24
Wednesday 2-23-11
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 Corners, don't start hucking it focus on putting the throw in the right place and leading the receiver
Brief Vert discussion then Scrimmage to 5, Vert only, cuts off the back break cuts off the front, focus on getting the disc around to the break side for easy throws
Shuttle Relay, teams of 3, set up a shuttle of 20yd,30yd,40yd, and run it twice through
Vert Scrimmage to 5
70yd sprints, 3 if practice intensity was good, 5 if it was average or less
Thursday 2-24
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 Line Drill, run it until everyone has thrown, if numbers are low you can drop it to 3 lines
Brief Ho discussion then Scrimmage to 5, Ho only, talk about Mojo, run through a few strings if needed prior to scrimmaging, call strings to get things started, focus on swinging, and dumps coming early (stall 5 or 6)
5 minute drill
Ho Scrimmage to 5
10x40's, we ran these on Monday sprint out 40 yds, jog back, 10 times through, if people aren't pushing themselves make them run a couple extra
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 Corners, don't start hucking it focus on putting the throw in the right place and leading the receiver
Brief Vert discussion then Scrimmage to 5, Vert only, cuts off the back break cuts off the front, focus on getting the disc around to the break side for easy throws
Shuttle Relay, teams of 3, set up a shuttle of 20yd,30yd,40yd, and run it twice through
Vert Scrimmage to 5
70yd sprints, 3 if practice intensity was good, 5 if it was average or less
Thursday 2-24
Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 Line Drill, run it until everyone has thrown, if numbers are low you can drop it to 3 lines
Brief Ho discussion then Scrimmage to 5, Ho only, talk about Mojo, run through a few strings if needed prior to scrimmaging, call strings to get things started, focus on swinging, and dumps coming early (stall 5 or 6)
5 minute drill
Ho Scrimmage to 5
10x40's, we ran these on Monday sprint out 40 yds, jog back, 10 times through, if people aren't pushing themselves make them run a couple extra
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Tourney Schedules
Schedules are up or Woodside Invite - College Edition and for the College Women's, Seeding will be finalized and posted by the morning of March 1.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Parents Meeting
There will be a parents meting in Chappells room on Monday February 2, 2011 at 6pm. Please let your parents know. We will be discussing the upcoming season, tournaments, dues, jerseys, and wil also have signups to help at the 2 home tournaments the first 2 weekends in March.
USAU Registration & Waiver
If you are on Varsity you need to have your USAU dues paid and waiver done so I can do our roster for Woodside Invite - College Edition. You need to do it NOW because I need to have it finished by Friday February 25.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Woodside Invite Gear
Check out the great design Savage Ultimate has come up with for Woodside Invite. If you're wondering why theres a missile in the design its because Nike Park was a cold war storage and launch facility for Nike Missiles. Savage will be on hand doing spot sublimation of the design on a wide range of products. Help support Woodside Ultimate by picking up a sweet jersey or some shorts.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Wed. & Thur. Practice 2-16 & 2-17
Wednesday 2-16
Warmup Run, Plyos, Stretch
30-30 both sides and s-cut, focus on crisp throws stop trying to lay someone out on the s-cut
Scrimmage to 5 with Double Score
Team sprint relay, set up cones at 20, 40, 70, split into teams of 3, each player runs a 20 and back, then a 40 and back, then a 70 and back
Quick Cuts to Huck, set up this drill twice so you get the long throw with both flick and backhand, run twice through each side switching sides each time
Scrimmage to end
Thursday 2-17
Warmup Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 line drill, run it until everyone throws, each thrower goes through all cutters 2 times, just like we did all fall
5 minute drill
Scrimmage to 7
Triangle of Death, underneath cuts only, run it until everyone throws, split into 2 groups so people don't spend to much time standing around between cuts
If theres time split back up into the 2 teams that scrimmaged and run a sprint relay each guy runs a 40 and back
Warmup Run, Plyos, Stretch
30-30 both sides and s-cut, focus on crisp throws stop trying to lay someone out on the s-cut
Scrimmage to 5 with Double Score
Team sprint relay, set up cones at 20, 40, 70, split into teams of 3, each player runs a 20 and back, then a 40 and back, then a 70 and back
Quick Cuts to Huck, set up this drill twice so you get the long throw with both flick and backhand, run twice through each side switching sides each time
Scrimmage to end
Thursday 2-17
Warmup Run, Plyos, Stretch
Short 4 line drill, run it until everyone throws, each thrower goes through all cutters 2 times, just like we did all fall
5 minute drill
Scrimmage to 7
Triangle of Death, underneath cuts only, run it until everyone throws, split into 2 groups so people don't spend to much time standing around between cuts
If theres time split back up into the 2 teams that scrimmaged and run a sprint relay each guy runs a 40 and back
Spring 11 Teams
The following lists are the current teams; you were placed there because your skills, effort, and attitude warrant it, and because we believe you will develop more as a player on a given team. Be aware you are ALWAYS trying out for Varsity, if you perform well you can be moved up; if you perform poorly you can and will be moved down. You are expected to be on time, prepared for practice, to give maximum effort FOR THE TEAM. We have limited practices before our first tournament so be there and be ready to work, playing well and our ultimate goal of winning states starts with you showing up. If you are not on the team you feel you deserve to be on come talk to me. -Richard
I apologize if anyone’s name is spelt wrong.
Will Ward
Ryan Ayers
John Kennedy
CJ Howell
Paolo Yalung
Randy Higgins
TK Porter
Josh Ford
Chase Snead
Adante Thompson
Derrick Freeman
Frank Skabla
Angel Huezo
Brian Lakey
Alan Hancock
Luke Luster
Zach Fallon
Extended Tryout If you are on this list you will be practicing with Varsity for the next few weeks and a final decision will be made prior to our first tournament on March 5, 2011.
Sean Butler
Preston Getkin
Spencer Bashford
Jason Luster
Jeff Ladnier
Sean Thornsberry
Everyone not specifically listed above.
I apologize if anyone’s name is spelt wrong.
Will Ward
Ryan Ayers
John Kennedy
CJ Howell
Paolo Yalung
Randy Higgins
TK Porter
Josh Ford
Chase Snead
Adante Thompson
Derrick Freeman
Frank Skabla
Angel Huezo
Brian Lakey
Alan Hancock
Luke Luster
Zach Fallon
Extended Tryout If you are on this list you will be practicing with Varsity for the next few weeks and a final decision will be made prior to our first tournament on March 5, 2011.
Sean Butler
Preston Getkin
Spencer Bashford
Jason Luster
Jeff Ladnier
Sean Thornsberry
Everyone not specifically listed above.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Club Photos
Ultimate Club (Group) pictures will be taken on Wednesday, Feb 16, 2011 in the theater at 1pm. ALL male and female players MUST have passes. See Chappell for passes.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Wed. & Thur. practice
Practice for Wednesday Feb. 9, 2011 is just scrimmaging, do the usual warmup run and stretching then split up evenly and have fun. I expect you varsity guys to work with JV guys on understanding whats going on if there are any issues. No practice Thursday.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
College Womens Division of Woodside Invite
If you made it here because of your interest in a College Womens Division for Woodside Invite the weekend of March 12-13 place send an email to so we can count you. We are very close to making this happen your team could be the difference.
Practice/Tryouts 1 week
Practice and tryouts start on Feb. 7th, thats a week away. Get ready!
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